Binchotan Charcoal - Water Filtration

Binchotan Charcoal – Water Filtration

City of Toronto Drinking Water Analysis:

Article about adsorption in removal of waste from water:

Life of Riley by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


Hey everyone! My name is Judy from Happy Holistics and today, we’re going to be talking about binchotan charcoal for filtering water.

So I started using these a couple of years ago. They look like severely burnt branches and they’re said to work by trapping in toxins from your water, removing the chlorine, lead, etc. and leaving you with fresh, filtered water to drink.

To use, simply plop the stick into a carafe or water bottle, fill it up with water and wait a few hours so that it can do its thing. After a couple of hours, you can remove the stick and it’s ready to drink. Since I toss it into my water bottle, I just leave the stick in there and experts say the longer the charcoal is in contact with the water, the more toxins it’ll trap. You can use each stick for about 3-4 months, remembering to boil it for 10 min every 2-ish weeks to ‘refresh’ it. When the 3-4 months are over, you can dry it out and use it as a deodorizer around the house.

From what I’ve read about activated charcoal, it has adsorption properties where its molecules are charged so they bind to toxins and keep them in there. It’s the same principle when you use activated charcoal products like face masks, supplements, etc. And, it’s also actually the same basis in the common Brita-type filtration system. If you ever break one of those open, you’ll see these black specs, which is activated charcoal made from coconut shells. It is important to note that amongst water filters, granular activated carbon filters, like Brita, are usually the one that gets the worse ratings.

One reason I can see that explains this is because once it’s saturated with toxins, when you pour more water through, the toxins could be released back into the water since the hold of the charged particles is only so strong.

So, if you can image a sponge – when it’s dry, it still has a capacity to hold liquid and it’ll take more in, no problem. But once it’s soaked in all that it can, the excess water is just going leak out. Imagine the same thing happening when your carbon filter reaches capacity – the excess pollutants are just going to spill out.

But, that raises the question of ‘why the hell am I still using activated charcoal?’

* It seems to be effective enough – check the description box for a link to adsorption techniques, there’s a section on activated carbon filtration.
* It’s relatively inexpensive – The bigger sticks go for about $11 at the Big Carrot – the last time I checked. The thinner ‘personal sized’ sticks came in a package of 6 from Amazon at $27.95 plus tax.
* I also keep track of when to boil my sticks and when to replace them in my planner, so I’m not too concerned about toxins leaching back into my drinking water.
* I also like to believe that Toronto waters aren’t *that* bad to begin with – I’ve included the link to Drinking Water Analysis Reports for my city in the description box below, but a simple googling will likely give you the results from your area and you can decide for yourself whether municipal water treatments are good enough for you.
* It’s eco-friendly-ish – the filter itself is not contributing to our plastic waste problem – the Brita filters encase their carbon with plastic and disposable plastic bottles are also a big “hell no” for me.
* It also doesn’t produce extensive water waste – as in reverse osmosis filtration systems. And, when its useful life is over, the charcoal can be broken into pieces and composted.
* I say “eco-friendly-ish because I’m pretty sure the packaging on some binchotan sticks are NOT entirely recyclable, so pay attention to that before buying. My 6 most recent sticks at least came in bulk, but they packaged it in cardboard, plastic and a paper/plastic mixed mailer.

That’s all I’ve got for you this week, please note that I’m not sponsored by the charcoal people, I just like to show you the natural products I swear by to help you live more holistically. Also, please subscribe to this channel if you found the information helpful and like up this video.

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filtered. -enhanced Water Filtration from your fridge.

filtered. -enhanced Water Filtration from your fridge.

Provides a 4 Stage Ultra-Filtered Water from Your Fridge and Rivals the Taste of Reverse Osmosis, Water Softeners & Distilled Water

Universal Water Purifier: filtered. Our water purifier is a universal 4 stage ultra-filtration system that easily connects to any refrigerator that has a water dispenser feature. With our patented design, filtered can be used in any refrigerator system whether built-in or freestanding and produces quality chilled distilled drinking water in the comfort of your own home.

4x Filtration: KDF 55 filters remove up to 99% of water-soluble lead, mercury, nickel, chromium and other dissolved metals. Granulated carbon reduces chemicals such as chlorine, solvents and various organic compounds. Carbon filter transfer removes finer particulate matter such as silt, dirt, rust, sand, and lime scale, and also reduces unpleasant taste before the final stage.
Eco-friendly & Ultrafiltration: Each purifier system can produce as much drinking water as approximately 1,500 regular sized plastic water bottles, eliminating the need to purchase bottled water every again. Ultrafiltration is a one membrane filtration process that serves as a barrier to separate harmful bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants from water. Ultrafiltration forces water through 0.03 micron membrane. This water filtration system provides water that rivals reverse osmosis.

Easy To Install: Not a handyman? Don’t worry, filtered. Our water purifier is simple to install. We specifically designed it for a simple do-it-yourself installation. Guides included with your product are clear instructions and an easy to follow installation video. Installation is easy with labeled color-coded tubing and all necessary fittings and hardware provided. The water filtration system can be installed on the top of the refrigerator or inside neighboring cabinetry.

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Ultra Violet Light Installation Guide for UV Water Filter Systems

Ultra Violet Light Installation Guide for UV Water Filter Systems

Hi and welcome to our installation video on UV Water Filter System. To learn more, please click the link above.

If you have any questions or if we can help you with anything, please contact us on 1800 769 300 or jump over onto our live chat on


Good day folks, Rod from My Water Filter here today. And what we’re gonna do is have a look at a whole house ultraviolet light. It goes within the whole house rainwater tank system. Now they’re pretty easy, these systems. Obviously same as anything, when you first get one, it’s all bright and new. But there’s not much to ’em at all. So take a quick look at this video before you set yours up and I’m sure you’ll be right, alright? This is the stainless steel housing, the outer casing, and that’s what retains the water, the light, and the glass. And this is what’s going to take care of your water for you.

That’s one part that’s in there. I’ll just lift everything out so we can see. Here’s the holders to hold that housing in place. We’ll go over these all again in a minute. Here’s the ballast or the controller. The electrical component. And then we’ve got a glass and we’ve got a globe. So we’ll shoot this one off down there on the floor out of the way. And we’ll be good to go. We’ll probably even bring those over the back here so you can see it the best that we can.

We’ll just take it steady so everybody can see what’s going on. This plastic bag, there’s also two O-rings in this bag. I’m just gonna leave them in there for a minute and that is to seal the quartz. Here is the holders for the housing. Simple process, Take screw straight through, into the wall, horizontal if you want it. Vertical if you want it. If you put it in vertical like this, you must have the globe pulling out of the top. The power wires pulling out of the top.

Never put it upside down, okay? Horizontal, this is how we can mount it, horizontal like that. And we can mount it vertical like that and the hollow in the globe fits in the top. Never put it upside down, okay? So here we go. Two clips, screw them into the table. And your base, we’re gonna fit ’em on to that light. And there it is. That’ll just hold it, no worries at all. Very, very simple. So hold it in there. I’ll spin them over so you can see ’em on that side a bit better.

And there we go. You can put those anywhere they go. They’re gonna slide all over the place. Wherever you want them. You may notice that I’ve put a towel on this table. It just stops the clanging and banging on the hard surface. And if you do bang a glass or the globe or whatever, it’s just not gonna chip, alright? It’s just to take care of everything all that’s on here. So today, we’ve mounted the globe. And there she is, she’s fixed and it’s sitting right there.

So basically what we’re gonna do, we’re gonna undo one end. And this is the end that we’re gonna put the globe and this is where all the work’s gonna happen. On this end here, this one’s already got a cap and it’s sealed up. So the water’s not gonna come out. I’ll pull the quartz out now and show it to you and where that’s gonna go. So this the sleeve. This is the glass sleeve, or the quartz or the thimble. And I’ll take it out now and you’ll see that one end of this one. Now normally I’ll try not to get my hands on this but for the benefit of today, we’re gonna throw it around and try to give you a good look.

As you can see, this is a nice, smooth end. So nothing’s gonna leak out of there. Do be careful when you’re playing with them. You just don’t want them to crack and break. Now this process is that thimble is gonna be slid down the inside of this system here. And we’re gonna seal it on both ends. Once it’s sealed on both ends, the water cannot get inside the glass. It cannot get out either end.

The water’s locked inside this housing by the two O-rings on the end and it’s just sealed inside the container or the housing. Water’s coming in, you got BSP, one inch inlet, BSP, one inch outlet. So it’s a good high flow volume, 46 liters per minute for the whole house. So you’ll get your glass and you’re gonna slide him in the end. Just gentle, gentle. Doesn’t take long to do this. But we just gotta take our time and we’ll be good to go.

Feel it with my finger on the end there. We’re just gonna slide him out. Beautiful. Now we’ve got two O-rings here. And these O-rings are what goes over the glass. And what you want to do is make sure sometimes the O-rings can have a flat on the O-ring and it’s gotta be on the inside.

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Original Video Source

Healthy Drops RO Water Purifier | Nano Filtration With Alkaline Regulator | Installation Part-1|

Healthy Drops RO Water Purifier | Nano Filtration With Alkaline Regulator | Installation Part-1|

Water molecule size is 0.000283 micron, water born germs, bacteria and virus size remain between 0.01 micron to 5 micron, in our technology 100% water is being passed through the membrane and therefore no chance to pass the bacteria.(Antibacterial, Alkaline & Antioxidant) is use to add essential minerals up to 90 ppm and to enhance pH (alkaline) up to pH 3.5 in drinking water. We use regulator to regulate pH value of drinking water between pH 7.2 to pH 8 which is ideal and in best condition for human consumption. Stage 6) Post Carbon Coconut Shell (Coconut shell activated fine carbon). Coconut is antibacterial agent and removes odor, smell and sweeten the drinking water. Please note as per WHO, BIS, EPA and other medical recommendations ideal mineral in drinking water is up to 300 ppm & pH (7.2 to 8). Low mineral is not safe for human consumption.

Outdoor Water Purifier Sediment Granular PP Filter Element Roll Cartridge Reverse Osmosis –

KNL Lexpure RO Membrane Housing, Food Grade Plastic, Compatible with 75 GPD, 80 GPD and 100 GPD Membrane-

KNL Healthy Drops, KNL-NF40-AR, NF (Nanofiltration) RO Water Purifier with Alkaline Regulator, Used for 150 ppm to 350 ppm raw Water tds, 13 LTR Detachable Tank, Safer Than UV+UF+TDS Adjuster System-

KNL NF40 (Nanofiltration) TFC Dry 100 GPD NF Membrane, BARC Licensed, Flux Rate Around 25 ltrs/hr, Pore Size 0.001 μ, Reduces tds (40-48)% only, Used in RO/NF (Reverse Osmosis) Water purifiers-

HUL Pureit Marvella Sleek Mineral RO+UV+MF+MP Water Purifier –

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Aquatabs Water Purification Tablets

Aquatabs Water Purification Tablets

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Get it on Amazon here…

Aquatabs Water Purification Tablets

Trusted for over 20 years for use in emergency situations
Hurricanes – Tornados – Earthquakes – Floods
Over 3 billion gallons of water treated annually
Fast acting. Water is ready to drink 30 minutes after mixing
No unpleasant taste. Great tasting water consistently

Emergencies happen, be prepared. Aquatabs are used by all major aid agencies, NGO’s and peacekeeping defense forces worldwide for the treatment of human drinking water in emergency situations. They are used by NATO and many other military organizations. Aquatabs are effervescent tablets which kill micro-organisms in water to prevent Cholera, Typhoid, Dysentery and other water borne disease. This 100 pack treats up to 200 quarts of water. This product is recommended for disinfecting raw or pre-treated water. The source of water to be treated may be collected rain, rivers, lakes, wells, cisterns or similar sources.

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Grayl Quest Water Filtration Cup

Grayl Quest Water Filtration Cup

Find on Amazon here:

Simple, effective water filtration for most outdoor water sources. The Quest (w/TRAIL Filter) is easy to use and produces clean, fresh tasting water in 15 seconds. Designed to protect against waterborne bacteria and protozoan cysts; the trail filter is perfect for hiking, camping, kayaking, canoeing, and fly fishing. GRAYL’s Trail Filter removes 99.99% of bacteria (e.g. E. coli, Salmonella) and 99.94% of protozoan cysts (e.g. Giardia, Cryptosporidium). Filters many chemicals (e.g. chlorine, iodine) and heavy metals (e.g. lead, arsenic) that affect health, flavor and odor. GRAYL’s Water Filtration Cup works like a French Press, filtering toxins from water in seconds. This innovative dual cup system is equipped with a patent-pending press mechanism and advanced filtration technology. GRAYL’s unique interchangeable filter system provides varying levels of protection for Tap, Trail and Travel.

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Airstream Basecamp Techout: Episode #14; Travel Berkey Water Filtration System

Airstream Basecamp Techout: Episode #14; Travel Berkey Water Filtration System

Do you drink from your fresh water tank in your RV? Your taps in your house without a filter? Maybe you use a Brita filter or some other filter for your water filtering? Well, I would highly suggest using the Berkey system that fits your needs, in this video we explore the Travel Berkey version for our RV. The black filter berkey system produces some of the best water I have tested and tried. Crystal clear in the cup, you know you can trust the water coming out of your berkey. This opens the door for many more sources of water when camping or boondocking. Going off grid for a long period? Water shouldn’t be an issue at all. Check the product links below.

Product Information

Face Book Group – Berkey Water

Amazon US Affiliate Link
Berkey Travel
Berkey Black Replacement Filters

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