[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_single_image image=”5286″ img_size=”full”][vc_custom_heading text=”What is Hydrogen Sulfide?” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left”][vc_column_text]Hydrogen sulfide is a chemical compound that is colorless with a strong odor of rotten eggs. The highly toxic and flammable gas is a naturally occurring chemical compound in crude petroleum, volcanic gases, natural gases, and hot springs. The formula of the corrosive, flammable, and poisonous gas is H2S.
The chemical compound is an important material for the production of sulfur, thioorganic compounds, and alkali metal sulfides. Hydrogen sulfide is also important in analytical chemistry.
At 1-2ppm, hydrogen sulfide in drinking water gives water a “rotten egg” smell. It also makes the water taste bad because of the presence of the chemical compound.[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsJ6YCkZGoM”][vc_custom_heading text=”Is Hydrogen Sulfide Dangerous in Water?” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left”][vc_column_text]Except in high concentrations, hydrogen sulfide in drinking water is rarely dangerous. However, the foul odor and taste make the drinking water impossible to drink.
It’s important to test the water to find out the cause of the presence of hydrogen sulfide. If the source is from sewage pollution, you must take the best course of action to eliminate disease-producing contaminants from your water.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How is Hydrogen Sulfide Removed from Water?” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left”][vc_column_text]Activated carbon filtration, ion exchange, shock chlorination, manganese greensand filtration, water heater modification, and oxidation are some of the methods used to reduce or remove hydrogen sulfide from the water. The use of granular activated carbon (GAC) in water filter systems is one of the most popular ways to get rid of hydrogen sulfide. Most of the modern-day water filtration systems can remove the contaminant from the water.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”How Do You Test for Hydrogen Sulfide in Water?” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left”][vc_column_text]Water testing kits can check the presence of contaminants like hydrogen sulfide in water within a few minutes. You can test your tap water for hydrogen sulfide with just a dip of a water test strip and compare it to the provided color chart.[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”Is it Safe to Drink Well Water That Smells Like Rotten Egg?” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left”][vc_column_text]Although unpleasant to smell and taste, drinking water with rotten egg odor is safe to drink. However, you must not drink well water with high levels of hydrogen sulfide concentrations.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar title=”List of Contaminants” sidebar_id=”cs-1″][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]