DIY Rainwater Filter System

DIY Rainwater Filter System

DIY biological rainwater drinking water filter. This filter is made very easily, you need gravel, sand, and charcoal. This is a biological and mechanical filter, in the first month the water will be cleaned mechanically, later, when the microorganisms multiply, it will work biologically as well.

0:00 plan
0:29 biofilter gravel
1:07 biofilter base
1:35 barrel drilling
2:25 fitting the connections
5:02 connect inside the barrel
6:20 water flow
7:14 biofilter material
7:44 biofilter material installation 1
10:45 how to clean sand
11:58 biofilter material installation 2
13:46 water into the biofilter
14:39 bio filter leaking
15:00 lowering the pressure in the system
15:11 sealing the cover
15:43 seal test again
16:12 how to clean water
17:13 external filter
18:51 explanation of the biofilter

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Original Video Source

How to install a low cost water filtration system to your home

How to install a low cost water filtration system to your home

In this video, I install a low-cost water filtration system to connect our home to the rainwater collection tank.
One day our water supply got brown because of too much rain that created mud in the town’s collection dam. sometimes the water has too much chlorine in it also.
My solution was to use rainwater that we harvested from one of our roofs I added a booster pump to increase the pressure so it is practical in the house.
However, the rainwater was not 100% clean due to the fact that the roof and gutter collected all kinds of impurities. A proper filtration system would cost us more than what we have available in our current budget. This made me to search for low-cost alternatives.
In this video, I am sharing my experience with you.

This video does not contain any paid promotions or sponsorships.

The Filtration system and all accessories can be bought here:
In Kwazulu-Natal:
Pietermaritzburg area:
McBeans Implements (Highly reccommended!)

Rest of South Africa try your local Builders Warehouse:
Product code….

Online at

International online:

Or in the USA at Home Depot or Lowe’s
Or search on google : Single water filter housing.

Subscription is free, but any support will be much appreciated if you have PayPal- you can make a contribution using this link:

Camera: iPhone X on Osmo DJI Mimo as well as Apple iPad on a stand.

Title: Happy Upbeat Retro Ad
Licensor’s Author: applehillstudios
Licensee: Quixotry Pty Ltd

You can find the music I used on iMovie (free library).

Editing: iMovie on Apple iMac

Original Video Source

How to Filter and Purify Rainwater ( Earthship Style WOM )

How to Filter and Purify Rainwater ( Earthship Style WOM )

This is a whole home water filtration and purification board I built to purify rainwater. Enjoy:)

Below are the links where I purchased some of the items in this video.

Affaliate Links:

Dulton Rio 2000 –

Rusco Spin Down Filter –

Pentek Big Blue Bag Filter –

Remco on demand Pump 5537 –

Floor Flange 3/4 –

The uv light system I purchased from freshwater, I had a horrible experience with the company and staff. Do your research before purchasing. did not want to replace the uv light that was delivered BROKEN!

Original Video Source