Best DIY filter for Fish Tank 2020 using Airpump(Clears green water) with Result..
Hello Everyone,
In this video, I will share to you how to make your own DIY filter for Fish tank.
Simple advice:
Dont overcrowd your tank.
this filter is also not applicable for big tanks.
please watch the full video, leave a comment, like, share and dont forget to subscribe to my channel..
For clarification, some people asked me why there is a hang filter.
the hang filter was already there at first before i test the DIY filter.. The same reason why i made the DIY filter because of green water And i want to let you know that this filter is effectively working and it is capable of clearing green water.
Test it so you will know how effective it is..
but take note that this homemade filter is not suitable for big fish tank. the filter size is good for 2.5 gallons below.. if you have bigger tank, you may need a bigger media set..
BTW, i am still currently using homemade Filter at the moment and works great.
Thank You.
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